Who is QHA Trent TURKEY?

With the contract signed with QHA Trent, QHA Trent Turkey started its activities in July 2019.

QHA Trent Accreditation as the sole authorized company name for all activities of the organization in Turkey serves QHA Trent TURKEY brand. TURKEY behalf of QHA Trent negotiations and deal-making authority in Turkey have been defined for trawell Group UK.

First, after Turkey health system related assessments and studies on the health care system BREXIT United Kingdom expectations were made. Made of experts to take part in the process of accreditation of health facilities in Turkey after studies education in the priority of Turkey’s health system it has been completed.

QHA Trent Turkey head office is in the UK with TraWELL Group UK for better coordination.

Who is QHA Trent TURKEY?

With the contract signed with QHA Trent, QHA Trent Turkey started its activities in July 2019.

QHA Trent Accreditation as the sole authorized company name for all activities of the organization in Turkey serves QHA Trent TURKEY brand. TURKEY behalf of QHA Trent negotiations and deal-making authority in Turkey have been defined for trawell Group UK.

First, after Turkey health system related assessments and studies on the health care system BREXIT United Kingdom expectations were made. Made of experts to take part in the process of accreditation of health facilities in Turkey after studies education in the priority of Turkey’s health system it has been completed.

QHA Trent Turkey head office is in the UK with TraWELL Group UK for better coordination.